Bob Trevino Likes It

April 7, 2025 2:00 PM

This wonderfully personal story is filled to the brim with a seemingly endless reservoir of laughs and tears. It's an experience that won't just have you liking Bob Trevino Likes It, it will have you loving it.. Aidan Kelly/Collider Writer/director Tracie Laymon takes this potentially silly premise and grounds it with humor and emotion, making it one of the most moving movies I have seen in years. Seth Freilich/Pajiba Like its heroine, the comedy can be bright and bouncy and frequently funny. But also like her, it’s secretly a tearjerker, and never more effectively than when it’s at its very sweetest. Angie Han/The Hollywood Reporter This film deservedly won SXSW’s grand jury prize for its commitment to endearing characters and the surprising ways in which they find each other. Abe Friedtanzer/Cinema Daily US

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